We’re finally pregnant again.

This is the third time around for us, following 2 miscarriages in the past year.

You may remember the last time I found out I was pregnant, the crazy roller coaster of emotions I didn’t seem to be able to get a handle on.

Some days, I was fine. Other days I was beside myself with grief, and stressed to the max about having another miscarriage.

Since we found out about the chromosomal translocation, I had taken a more relaxed “what ever will be will be” approach to the whole thing and hoped I could hold on to that for the next pregnancy.

The thing is, you never really know how you will feel until the time comes.

Thank goodness, as soon as I found out this time, I was over the moon!

I actually couldn’t believe how excited I was. I couldn’t wait to tell Sam and our family and friends. I pretty much just wanted to scream “finally!!” from the roof tops.

Until I worked out my due date was the same day my Grandfather (my Mum’s Dad) had passed away.

I never actually got the chance to meet him as he died very young, years before I was born. So, when I told my Mum the estimated due date, and she said she’d really like to have a nice memory for that day, it clicked to me straight away what she meant… which pretty much kicked those crazy pregnant cry baby emotions in (seesh, I can’t hardly even type this without getting worked up again… lol).

But apart from that, I have a pretty good handle on things. I’ve only felt really stressed out twice, and that was both times when I was waiting for blood test results on my hcg and progesterone levels.

Since then I said to my OB not to worry about doing any more blood tests. Waiting for the results (btw, all fine so far) I have found is more stress than it’s worth.

So, since everything is fine so far, I said I’d be happy to assume everything is OK for now and wait until the 24th when we can have a scan to see what’s going on in there (it’s less than 2 weeks away anyway!)

Funnily enough, the fact that I have a 50% chance of miscarriage doesn’t even really upset me (not even a close second on the emotional scale to the due date coincidence!)

We’ve decided just to take a positive outlook on the whole scenario. Of course, we don’t want to set ourselves up for disappointment, as we definitely know how this could end, but we can’t see any harm in feeling hopeful for a positive outcome all the same.

So, here’s hoping…! 😉

Until next time, I’d really like to know…

How did your pregnancy hormones affect you?

Were you super excited like me, and then sometimes outrageously emotional, or did they have little impact at all?

Look forward to hearing your experiences!